Groupby on a related entity’s related entity

Are we focusing on the right Accounts and Opportunities? A common question in sales departments. Accounts are often classified in some kind of A, B, C categorization based on their potential value etc. Ideally, that means you sales activity should primarily be related to A accounts and some B accounts. However, a common setup in CRM, is to set … Continue reading Groupby on a related entity’s related entity

Everything ScaleBreak in MS CRM 2011 Charts

Adding a ScaleBreak to charts in CRM can be useful when you have data that varies a lot. For example one column with a very high value, can dwarf the rest so it is impossible to see the details in them. Luckily, MS CRM 2011 allow us to add a ScaleBreakStyle to our chart xml. … Continue reading Everything ScaleBreak in MS CRM 2011 Charts